OPINEL kitchen knives from France. Light, sharp, affordable.
Order French chef's knives directly from the Solingen specialist shop founded in 1909. Messer Rödter Hof
In Albiezle-Vieux, Joseph OPINEL worked in his father's workshop. He tinkered and developed until one day he succeeded in designing a fine pocket knife. Soon, this cutting tool was so popular among the rural population that OPINEL Junior was able to found his own company. He made another crucial invention:
machines that allowed him to produce larger quantities of knives.
By 1897, he was already producing knives in twelve different sizes.
They were innovatively named No. 1-12, and this numerical order was later gloriously proven by a certain Mademoiselle Chanel.
You remember, Miss Monroe, called Marilyn by her friends, only wore No. 5 at night.
No, probably not by Joseph OPINEL, but by Mademoiselle Coco Chanel. But perhaps Miss Monroe did have both No. 5s with her after all?
In 1909, in any case, Joseph, who was now very successful, registered the trademark “La Main Couronnée”, the crowned hand.
This laid the foundation for the OPINEL knife tradition, as every blade still bears “a crowned hand” today.
And OPINEL is still made in Savoy, only the range of knives has expanded.
Today, OPINEL also stands for sought-after kitchen knives made in France. These are lightweight knives with wooden or plastic handles that are popular in young households and second homes or in the garden.
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