Luxury Baby scissors extra fine (skin scissors or nail scissors with round tip ) baby scissors , scissors for babies and small children
The Original from the inventor Hans Wilhelm Böker Schere ,
Total length around 9 cm - Hand cut, stainless steel, bent, brushed
mattfinished, extremely good flow, extremely long flow, because it is a top product, best quality!
Stahl X65Cr Mo 14 (0,6 % Kohlenstoff, 14 - 15 % Chrom!)
Scissors Hans Wilhelm Böker Solingen . Luxury Scissors for professionals.
Handmade in Germany
We a speciality shop for solinger products are always keen on finding the top products, the best quality. If you love to work with the best tools, the top quality products, then you will have to go for Hans Wilhelm Böker scissors and other products.
Brandname: BSO Me fecit Hans Wilh. Böker Solingen
The advantage of this scissors is the really easy flow - so you can work with a lot of comfort . You will enjoy these scissors for quite a while. (long life span)
Roedter Messer . Qualität aus Tradition . Ein Familienunternehmen gegründet 1909 . Fachgeschäft - Schleiferei - Versand weltweit
Bestellen Sie direkt im Solinger Fachgeschäft . Wir orientieren uns an echten Wertenund authentischen Produkten
Tel.0049 (0)9281 - 84526 . Fax 0049 ( 0)9281 - 87762 .
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