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Klaas knife shop

 “Preserving tradition is the mission.”
For over 180 years, Robert KLAAS has been producing the most perfect and durable cutlery possible by hand in the blade city of Solingen. Now in its seventh generation, the company is proud to be one of the oldest manufacturers in Solingen. The extensive product range includes pocket knives, scissors, manicure items, razors and household knives.
The “Störche” and “Hahn & Henne” brands enjoy a reputation for outstanding cutlery, especially in the USA, where the “Kissing Cranes” and “Hen & Rooster” brands are synonymous with the best pocket knives.
More than 100 different operations are necessary before a new pocket knife is assembled and passes the internal quality test. The manufactory has an extensive archive of sample books and tools for the old pocket knife models.

1834 Peter Daniel Pauls, a former scissors maker and father-in-law of the later owner Friedrich Robert Klaas, founds a pen knife factory.
1843 Acquisition of a residential building in the Mankhaus estate belonging to the Merscheid mayor's office and relocation of the company to this site. The house still bears the letters “P.D.P.” and the year of construction 1843 on the gable. The Robert Klaas company is still active at this location in Mankhausen to this day.
1850 The company specializes in the manufacture of high-quality three- and four-piece pocket knives in particular. First major order from the USA.
1869 Entry of the company in the commercial register under the name “Robert Klaas”.
1893 Entry of the “Störche” trademark in the register.
1897 Robert Klaas transfers the business to his sons Walter and Ernst.
1900 Due to the continuous growth of the company as a result of successful business activities, particularly in the USA, the production facilities are considerably expanded.
1917 Construction of the company's own beating shop. This made the company independent of suppliers for the required raw materials.
In 1922, the hammering shop moved to a new building with an adjoining hardening shop.
1934 The city of Solingen expressed its gratitude in a special way: Robert-Klaas-Strasse was built. Establishment of the “Blanke Waffen” production department. The Second World War took its toll. The political situation in Germany and the lack of energy and raw materials meant that the company's development was severely hampered after the end of the war. Only when the Allied military authorities issued the “small permit” in September 1945 was work allowed to resume in the factory with a very limited number of employees and a limited supply of energy.
1948 The currency reform on June 21, 1948 brought a noticeable economic turnaround.
1983 Acquisition of the “Hahn und Henne” or “Hen & Rooster” trademark of the former Bertram company. Partnership established with Frost Cutlery, Tennessee. To this day, the “Hahn und Henne” pocket knives are distributed exclusively by this company in the USA.
1997 The company successfully launches the “monolith” knife on the market.
1998 Start of production of the Klaas-Damascus annual knives in limited editions.
2009 175th anniversary.
Only turtles get older.

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KLAAS Knife of the Year 2019

Model: 1359/1-8REIC
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259,00 EUR
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Shipping time: ready to send
89,00 EUR
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Model: 725-1-237
Shipping time: ready to send
80,00 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

Toledo Taschenmesser

Model: 2051.000.00.0
Shipping time: ready to send
99,00 EUR
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
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